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Collect Payments With Ease

Manage Bills

Are you tired of manually keeping a ledger of accounts or bills that need to be paid, only to loose your notes somewhere and have to do the work all over again? Merchantocracy Invoicing allows you to connect to your account recievables so that you can manage your entire business in one place.

Hosted or 3rd Party Hosted Solutions

Clock employee time and billable hours with ease, our platform provides you to manage weekly timesheets so that you track project/task cost day to day, to manage cost expenditures and ensure more accurate reporting to your clients and internally to your team.

Customer Reviews

As a business owner if you want to be in business for longer then the predictable amount of time, you need to know where your money is flowing. With Merchantocracy, you can easy organize your business finances in one place. We can help you connect payment options to current outstanding bills, automatically sort transactions and create custom rules for automation.

Maximize Tax Deductions

Don't leave your tax management until tax time, save yourself, your life and your company by maximzing tax deducations year round for peace of mind. Get the return you've earned.

Invoice & Accept Payments

Collecting money can sometimes seem like you're becoming a collection agency, its not exactly the easiest conversation to have with a cleint and can sometimes create customer service issues. With Merchantocracy you can create and send invoices to get paid 2X faster for free. Our invoicing platform helps you get paid fast by requesting payment in the form of credit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express).

Run Reports

Knowing the financial status of your business in real time is critical to making informed business decisions that positively effect your business outcomes. With Merchantocracy our reporting system allows you to know exactly where your business stands so that you can see the big picture. Get a grip on how much your making, what's your cashflow and who owes you so that you can enjoy a clear understanding of where your going.

SEO Friendly

Sometimes you need to send an estimate/quote to your customer so that they can more accurately budget and project resource utilization for your services. Share estimates to land the billable opporutnity and seal the deal on the spot.

3rd Party Integrations

We can connect your Merchantocracy account to any 3rd party provider via our API. All you need to know is that our developers are ready to help you and make sure that you get the service that matches your business needs exactly, our dev team will help you achieve this objective.